AI Adoption in the Workplace Still Low, 2 Years Later

Summary: Designers may think that the features of AI are now familiar with our users, but recent research shows that adoption is much less than we think. The Pew Research Center recently published interesting results from a major survey on the use of AI at the workplace. At the end of 2024, he surveyed more […]
How to Take a More Goal-Oriented Approach to Marketing Data

Enough to make the term ‘do more with less’ marketers can be enough. Although budgets and resources are strict, pipeline goals increase, it may feel contradictory to the achievement of marketing goals. But what will happen if the solution is not “more work” but basically change how we think about the role of data and […]
How To Fix Largest Contentful Paint Issues With Subpart Analysis — Smashing Magazine

Slowly struggling with the largest content pants (LCP)? Introducing newly introduced by Google, LCP all parts help you identify where the page loads come from. Now, in the Chrome UX report, these figures provide real visiting insights to accelerate your site and promote rankings. Matt Zionat has all parts of the LCP, what they mean […]
‘Do’ Queries Are an SEO Priority

Search Engine Optimizers have long -seized searters’ intent into three types: to give information, make a purchase, or locate a business or a person. Google’s latest quality writers guide letters offer a different intention: “You know,” “you know,” and “do.” Google’s procedure helps to prioritize today’s AI -powered search and correction efforts for elements. This […]
Origins of Google Shopping’s AI Vision Match

Google shopping this month added to the genetic artificial intelligence to the fashion lists, changing how some buyers discover apparel items and reinforce the basic principles of e -commerce. According to Google, buyers are often in two minds. Some just have a vague idea what they want. Others have a clear view. On March 5, […]